eye2eye will be a mobile app supporting communication between citizens and administration in the context of land consolidation.
eye2eye will bring added value to the already existing desktop solution, also developed by AED-SICAD AG. The goal is to shorten long processing times and to optimize citizen participation in the land consolidation projects. These projects typically last several years and are characterized through a high interest from the involved citizens. eye2eye improves the exchange of information between citizens and the administration by means of a mobile information and communication solution for the land consolidation. eye2eye gives an overview of the actual planning status at any time and especially in the field. The citizen has the option of commenting or discussion with the administration and other parties.
eye2eye will be a tool for brainstorming on the basis of map-based information and complement traditional participation methods by combining the following features:
As a webmap app it enables to navigate easily in maps.
Users can request information on (real world) objects from maps.
The input of georeferenced text notes will be a major function for participation.
Likes help to easy comment details of plans.
Digitizing drawings for change management will be an optional feature in sense of redlining or drawing on top of a map.
In a second phase eye2eye will, if necessary, use 3D and augmented reality to improve the visualization of projects.
The app will be developed in HTML5. A prototype, including a part of the functionality as a native Android app, already exists. The technical architecture will combine free access to GI as well as limited access for authorized users by a role management system. The pilot will manage the ongoing permanent flow of restricted data resources to open data sources by his resource management system.
The app will finally combine lot of different data sources:
Cadastre data (partly open data, available in the project, Esri ArcGIS Server Service)
Land consolidation data (not open, available in the project, Esri ArcGIS Server Service)
OSM data (open, available, WMS, WFS, Esri ArcGIS Online, …)
Copernicus Urban Atlas (partly open data, available in the project, WMS)
Open Data with respect to environment, transport, landscape, ecology, ...
Specific INSPIRE ANNEX themes (WMS, WFS)
Interface to GDI-DE (central German SDI): OGC WMS, WFS, WCS
Because of the huge variety of different data sources the app clearly will take advantage of the
virtual hub infrastructure that is implemented in the ENERGIC OD project.
The eye2eye application is available at the following address:
eye2eye supports communication among citizens and administration in the context of land consolidation. Landowners will be supported in participation in the formal land consolidation process.
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