Virtual Hubs
The ENERGIC OD Virtual Hubs are single points of access to heterogeneous geospatial open data, enabling users to discover and access data provided by disparate sources, in a seamless way.
The ENERGIC OD Virtual Hubs deal with all the actions needed, mediating between heterogeneous data/metadata models and service interfaces, and on-the-fly harmonizing datasets to the required spatial-temporal coverage, Coordinate Reference System, resolution and data format.
The ENERGIC OD Virtual Hubs functionalities are provided through restful APIs and a user-friendly Javascript library for Web and mobile app developers.
This innovative approach greatly facilitate the development of new and multidisciplinary applications around open geospatial data (including real-time and volunteered), stimulating innovation and business activities based on the full exploitation of geo-information and Big Data.
The ENERGIC OD Virtual Hubs implement an innovative architecture based on an advanced data brokering framework, where specific components – the brokers – are dedicated to mediation and harmonization. The brokering framework is complemented with other components dedicated to specific functionalities and value added services.
The ENERGIC OD project will release an ENERGIC OD Virtual Hub package for the implementation and deployment of Virtual Hubs.
In the ENERGIC OD project six ENERGIC OD Virtual Hubs have been deployed and are under test and evaluation. They are regional or national level hubs, aiming to broker the relevant open data sources for the covered area:
Berlin VH, managed by SRP
French VH, managed by DEPTH and hosted by BRGM
German VH, managed by AED-SICAD
Italian VH, managed by CNR-IIA
Polish VH, managed by IGiK
Spanish VH, managed by UNIZAR
A European level Virtual Hub will connect the national level hubs.

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