ENERGIC-OD contest
Do you have a great software idea?
Tell us your idea for an innovative geospatial open-data app, and win €1500, as well as our expert help to develop your app!
Interested? Register your interest here for tips, updates, and ideas!
Students, postgraduates, start-ups, SMEs, academics, coders, developers, digital entrepreneurs… All are welcome to participate! We want to see the best software ideas, wherever they come from! The contest is open to everyone, from all countries of the world.
Win €1500 for the 1st place, €1000 for the 2nd, and €500 for the 3rd! The top three places also get the 4-hour business and software consulting session with ENERGIC-OD experts.
To participate, just use the form below to register your team and to upload two files: one with a simple application mock-up, and the other with a brief (2,500 words max) business model description.
Work as a team of up to 4 people, or individually. You must upload your complete entry on or before 31.03.2017.
Register your interest in the contest here. We will send you emails with latest tips, updates and ideas! Download the entry template and guidance here. Need help? Please contact us on: contact@energic-od.eu
Contest task

Familiarize yourself with ENERGIC-OD by reading the documents here and by looking at the project website (www.energic-od.eu).
There are 10 innovative apps being developed as part of the project – use these as examples of what we are looking for!
Think of combinations of data types, of hobbyist groups, extreme sports, authorities and governments, mitigating disasters, cities, monuments, tourism, weather and climate conditions, wildlife monitoring, and many others.
Imagine an innovative application using geospatial information data of any type, from any source, being useful to any social group that you can think of – and describe it!
What do we seek?

Entries will be reviewed by a panel of judges consisting of ENERGIC-OD experts. Winners will be announced on the 14th of April 2017 on the contest website (winners will be also informed by email). For detailed information about the contest procedure click here.
Procedure info
Need help? Please contact us on: contact@energic-od.eu
The ENERGIC-OD Contest winners have been announced! They are:
1st place: Puntofisso Limited (1500.00 EUR) - United Kingdom
Application RUFUS is a property hunting chatbot. It allows users to search for properties to buy or rent, and presents them relevant geospatial statistics. Using cutting-edge AI technology, it engages with the user by means of a conversational interface.
2nd place: RouteRunner Team (1000.00 EUR) - Poland
Application assisting in plotting run routes prior to commencing the workout. Application utilizes more data types (such as air pollution, weather, etc.) than just simple map-based route planning.
3rd place: Freshman (500.00 EUR) - United Kingdom
Application proposing a range of location-enabled services assisting students who are just starting university to shop, study, relax, find accommodation and related activities, based on proximity and other users' reviews.
We would also like to congratulate all our contestants who didn't finish in the top three. The other participants took the following places:
4. TourK (UK)
5. GeoDomaines (BE)
6. IDLab (UK)
8. Gavia Stellata (IT)
9. ITAP (PT)
The entries to the contest have been of very high quality, and some great ideas for geospatial apps using ENERGIC-OD Virtual Hubs were presented! Thank you very much for participating!