In the health field, it appears more and more necessary to know precisely the care services available in the country. Indeed, by the growing use of the web and making more data available, citizens are increasingly requesting reliable information on the care services available.
Moreover, the public authorities must implement rules of universal access to care. The new technologies makes possible to quantify and qualify precisely care services available and cross them with data from different sources as population, buildings, other social or emergency services.
As part of the project Energic OD, Datakode wants to build a web application that will offer new innovative services on the subject. The application will propose to user a form to select care service (doctor, pharmacy, etc.) to analyse and a map to display the accessibility areas in less than a given time. These areas are also called isochrones.
The user will also know the number of people covered on this area. The user will be able to:
Simulate a new installation of a new service
Simulate the removal of a service
The ProxiSante application is available at the following address:
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