Bureau De Recherches Geologiques et Minieres (BRGM), France
BRGM is a French Public Institution responsible for mobilising the Earth Sciences in the sustainable management of georesources and the subsurface domain. Under the supervision of the Research Division, BRGM ensures the quality of the undergoing research projects.
BRGM has an international competency in information systems, being part of drafting teams of the INSPIRE directive and in charge of the catalogue and search engine of the French Government’s Geoportail.
BRGM also manages projects on commercial bases for international funding agencies like European Commission or World Bank. BRGM is ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14001:2004 certified for all of its activities.
BRGM has a strong expertise and experience in EU and national-funded collaborative projects. It has coordinated and/or contributed to several EC research projects, such as GMES Terrafirma project, AEGOS (FP7), EuroGEOSS (FP7), E02Heaven (FP7), ENVISION (FP7) PANGEO (FP7), Genesis (FP7), OneGeology Europe (eContentPlus), RISK-BASE (FP6), LESSLOSS IP (FP6), ORCHESTRA IP (FP6), SWING (FP6), FOOTPRINT (FP6), RISKUE (FP5), SAFE (FP5), ANFAS (FP5), ISARD (Interreg), FLOODGEN (FP4), GEMITIS (FEDER, ECHO), GERIA (Interreg).
BRGM is in charge of developing and hosting the portals of the OneGeology and OneGeology-Europe projects. BRGM is also deeply involved in standardisation activities such in OGC and GeoSciML (through IUGS/CGI working groups).
BRGM coordinated the FP7 project EuroGEOSS and was actively involved, in the interdisciplinary work package on forest, drought and biodiversity with a focus on interoperability aspects and the thematic domain of droughts.
Contribution to the project
The involvement of BRGM will be mainly focused on the following domains:
Participation in WP2, WP3: BRGM will bring all its expertise for the state of the art and the inventory of existing platforms.
Participation in WP4: BRGM will bring its experience in the domain of Spatial Data Infrastructure, especially within the context of INSPIRE Directive and Data harmonisation.
Participation in WP5: BRGM will contribute to the definition of the architecture of the Virtual Hubs as well as their implementation. BRGM will also deploy and operate a Virtual Hub.
Participation in WP6 for the development of a new application about the evolution of the coastline, this application will be based on previous research on this subject at a national level.
Participation in WP8: BRGM will provide elements for the elaboration of the business plan regarding the viability and deployment of the coastline evolution application and of the Virtual Hub in France.
Why it is important for your organization to take part in the project
BRGM as the French Geological Survey and public organisation is very much involved in Inspire implementation and making data open and accessible. Contributing to Energic OD which objective is to facilitate access to existing data is therefore an opportunity to enhance our activity in this area.
Connection between (open) data and crowd-sourcing is a key-issue. The mobile application developed by BRGM within the project is planned as a proof of concept. It will be able to retrieve information and provide services to people as well as lay the ground for future projects and applications.
François Robida
E-Mail: f.robida@brgm.fr
Web: http://www.brgm.fr