Institute of Geodesy and Cartography (IGiK), Poland
IGiK is a Scientific Institute in field of geomatics, focusing on implementing innovative solutions related to spatial information infrastructures (INSPIRE and National Spatial Information Infrastructures), geoinformatics, remote sensing applications, navigation technologies, GIS processing, geodynamics, cartography and digital photogrammetry. The Institute is supervised by the Ministry of Administration and Digitisation and cooperates with other ministries like, Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Ministry of Infrastructure and Development, Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography and also Chief Inspectorate of Environment Protection.
IGiK maintains close cooperation with the leading industrial and commercial companies and SMEs getting access to their high-tech solutions. It also collaborate with a number of international organizations, like ESA, EEA, FAO, NOAA NESDIS, USDA.
The Institute of Geodesy and Cartography is a national member of the International Cartographic Association, AGILE and EARSel.
IGiK participates in implementation of GMES Programme and INSPIRE directive in Poland. It is also in charge of the CORINE Land Cover Programme for Poland and EU Programmes funded under FP6 and FP7 as GEOLAND and GEOLAND2, ReGeo, LFA, HVA, MS.MONINA, DORIS_Net, THE ISSUE. and GIONET (GMES Initial Operations – Network for Earth Observation Research).
IGiK has extensive experience in research and implementation of environmental solutions using satellite technologies. IGiK is also well embedded into NEREUS and Mazovia's Triple Helix Regional Cluster. IGiK provides services for monitoring agriculture, forestry, land use, land use changes and crisis management, crop forecast for Europe and cooperation within CROP CIS.
The main fields of investigations cover remote sensing, urban and land planning, agriculture monitoring and crop prognosis, spatial analysis, interferometric analysis, intelligent transport systems, geo-information modelling, forest fires, detection of natural hazards, land use and land cover, cartographic modelling, digital photogrammetry (LIDAR, UAV), Earth gravimetry and geo-magnetism.
Contribution to the project
The IGiK will be involved and will contribute to the all ENERGIC project work packages, especially in:
WP2, WP3: IGiK will prepare input to the state of the art and the inventory of existing platforms.
WP4: IGiK will contribute with the experience in Spatial Data Infrastructure (INSPIRE and National) implementation by means of data harmonisation, integration and metadata development; the wide expertise of its personnel in GMES/Copernicus and developed during cooperation in the framework of GEOSS will be also provided for the tasks of the work package.
WP5: IGiK will deliver the input for the definition of the architecture of the Virtual Hubs and will cooperate with UZAR in implementing a Virtual Hub based on IGiK's application.
WP6: IGiK will provide methodology for developing application on natural hazards assessment for agriculture.
WP7: IGiK will serve as a work package 7 leader, focusing on the effective communication between partners and one on the dissemination of activities carried out within the project and the results obtained to project partners, other key stakeholders, user group communities and the general public; to extend the network of beneficiaries and raise awareness.
WP8: IGiK will support the proof of concept by providing demonstrators; evaluation of the results with user groups.
Why it is important for your organization to take part in the project
The Institute of Geodesy and Cartography is involved in various activities related to the Spatial Information Infrastructure supporting its implementation in Poland.
On the other hand the IGiK works on open data and provide some of them, especially in the field of remote sensing developing a number of solutions based on modelling of phenomena resulting in spatial information creation.
That information should be available to interested end users.
The ENERGIC OD project constitute a unique opportunity and platform for dissemination of the information mentioned above.
Marek Baranowski