Luftbild Umwelt Planung GmbH (LUP), Germany
Founded in 1996 as a private sector enterprise, LUP GmbH (LUP) is service provider for environmental management, remote sensing, geoinformatics and environmental information management. As an engineering and planning company it is located in Potsdam (Germany) staffed with 20 employees.
LUP’s core business areas are: remote sensing (acquisition of geoinformation from satellite data and aerial photography), geoinformatics (thematic data analysis, software development), environmental management (landscape- and regional planning, nature conservation planning) and information management (web-based presentation, geodata infrastructures, cartography).
LUP has a broad project experience in applied remote sensing and geoinformatics for urban planning, nature conservation, regional planning, climate change adaptation concepts and forest management applications as well as in research & development projects. Specific research topics include integrated classification methods, multi-sensor analysis and spatial modelling.
At regional level LUP has been responsible for the design and implementation of a joint planning information system for Berlin and Brandenburg (PLIS).
The PLIS counts as the biggest structure node for geodata in the state of Brandenburg and as the biggest and most advanced planning program nationwide. LUP has furthermore participated in the 7th EU-Research program in the MS.Monina project (Multi-scale Service for Monitoring NATURA 2000 Habitats of European Community Interest).
Contribution to the project
LUP will be involved in the project as follows:
Leader of WP6 - Development of new innovative applications
Inputs from work in projects and initiatives to WP2 and WP3
Delivery of user needs, requirements and specifications of the new applications (WP4)
Support the architecture, deployment and testing of virtual hubs (WP5)
Development of a new application to monitor biodiversity on farmland and to support the agricultural birds indicator (WP6)
Evaluation of the results with user groups (WP8)
Animation of the local User Group in Germany
Why it is important for your organization to take part in the project
The ENERGIC OD project offers the opportunity to expand our knowledge of current standards and helps us to develop a new innovative application based on the Virtual Hubs, which will be set up in the project.
For LUP it is also very important to be part of a new and innovative network to broaden our horizon and to stimulate new business opportunities.
Helga Kuechly
Stefan Braumann
Annett Frick