Open Data and Geospatial Information state-of-the-art in EU projects
Art. 5 - by Open Data and Geospatial Information state-of-the-art in EU projects
There currently exist many European Open Data and Geographic Information initiatives and projects that may have produced results and new technologies relevant to ENERGIC OD. As ENERGIC OD is an integration project, an inventory and analysis of these is essential for its efficient development.
The main objective of WP2, which has recently completed these tasks, has been to provide a state-of-the-art study based on the research and outcomes of initiatives and projects in the domains addressed by the rest of work packages, with special focus on the implementation work packages.
This study is oriented to identify relevant, mature technologies (standards, tools, architectures) that may be used in the implementation of the Virtual Hubs and the pilot applications in ENERGIC OD by evaluating their strengths, weaknesses and convergences.
The first outcome of WP2 was the methodology for conducting the study. Next, based on work already accomplished across the EU, a list of European funded projects related to the objectives of ENRERGIC OD was compiled.
The inventory includes a total of 580 projects, including EC funded projects from the 7th Framework Program, as well as inputs from partners regarding national or local SDIs and national or local INSPIRE and open data initiatives or platforms.
The most relevant projects were analysed by partners involved in WP2 in order to identify their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) in relation to ENERGIC OD, evaluating dimensions such as types of data used and reused, technologies (used and results), standards, brokering approach, impact, dissemination and viability.
An ulterior review of the SWOT analisys showed that while Geographic Information standards and technologies are mature enough, Open Data (and in particular, Linked Data) technologies and standards are not at the same level of maturity.
This fact should be taken into account when designing and implementing ENERGIC OD virtual hubs. Additionally, WP2 supplies valuable inputs to each one of the other ENERGIC OD work packages:
Supplies to WP3 a catalogue that contains Open Data initiatives and an inventory of projects offering their own results as Open Data.
Supplies to WP4 a list of relevant standards used to access Geographic Information and Open Data used in the reviewed projects, together with other best practices that may serve as input to requirements and specifications of the Virtual Hubs.
Ssupplies to WP5 and WP6 a compilation of technologies, tools, and standards used in European projects that have proven their maturity and can be used in the implementation of the Virtual Hubs and the pilot applications. These technologies include brokers, linked data management software, architectural specifications, processing and model chaining tools and cloud approaches, among others.
Supplies to WP7 a set of best practices regarding dissemination and its possible implementation (such as hackathons and conferences, alignment with open source initiatives, social media,, and suggests liaisons and collaborations with other active, related projects.
Supplies to WP8 a collection of best practices regarding business models and exploitation plans identified in the reviewed projects, and insights on the causes of viability and sustainability or failure of those projects.