Art. 1 - by Stefano Nativi - National Research Council of Italy Institute of Atmospheric Pollution Research - CNR - IIA (Italy)
In The first year of activity of the ENERGIC OD project is already behind us bringing a great deal of events and stimulating results. Lot of interesting things have happened over the last six months.
We were able to achieve the main targets identified in our proposal. A catalogue of open GI platforms for the greatest possible functionality of the Virtual Hubs was compiled and published online while guidelines have been implemented in order to specify rules and recommendations to realize all applications and services of the project.
Two technical Workshops were hosted and organized by LUP and GEOkomm in Postdam (Germany).
Thanks to an impressive collective effort, POLIMI delivered a report on the most relevant fields of application and user needs, strictly related to innovative applications, services and semantic content to be implemented with the main scope is to analyze the user needs, user communities and thematic fields of application and to identify the derived technical requirements and specifications relative to the Open Data to be brokered by the VH, via the innovative Applications and Services to be set up.
The software package needed for the deployment of a VH has been delivered as Amazon Machine Image (AMI) and in Open Virtualization Format (OVF), to support the early deployment choices made by some responsible parties of the National-level Virtual Hubs. In particular CNR-IIA for the Italian Virtual Hub, and AED-SICAD for the German Virtual Hub decided to deploy their Hubs on the Amazon cloud, while UNIZAR for the Spanish Virtual Hub decided to deploy the VH on a virtualized local infrastructure.
In this last issue, great emphasis has been given to the impact of the ENERGIC OD applications and the objectives they intend to tackle which reflect a clear link between DAE Pillar VII (benefits of ICT to the society) and the necessities of our society in order to guarantee real social benefits.
From now onwards, the different applications developed within the project will be presented in details.
Last but not least, we welcome on board our new partner, Trilateral Research & Consulting, which is going to lead the WP8 on Exploitation.