WORKSHOP W3.2 Potsdam, 7 - 8 Sept. 2015
Art. 11 - by Nargess Kamali, GEOkomm (Germany )
The purpose of this workshop was to review the OD platform survey and methodology from D3.1 and D3.2 and to compare and present the result that was achieved by utilizing the methodology defined in deliverable D3.2 and also to present the result of D3.3. Furthermore, the possibilities and methods for setting up the catalogue on the ENERGIC OD project website were discussed for the best performance.
Another objective of this meeting was to present a joint project by SRP and GEOkomm, regarding improvement of OD platform catalogue and future sustainability and update of the catalogue and services it can provide for the application developers and users.
Additionally, “the status of national-level Virtual Hubs implementation” was presented by CNR, which was accompanied by a review on “the first issues regarding open data and VH usage” from POLIMI.
On the second day of workshop, an update on amendment was given along with the periodic report by CNR. The management platform “Redmine” was introduced by BRGM and advantage of this tool was discussed. Furthermore, deliverable results and the current status of D4.2 were discussed by POLIMI. Veneto also showed their contribution to the deliverable D4.2 and last but not least the new project partner “Trilateral” was introduced via videoconference.
There have also been moments of social gathering. A delicious dinner in the old town and a guided tour in the “Holländisches Viertel” were organized for the participants that had the opportunity to exchange ideas and to strengthen relations in a nice environment.