Art. 2 - by Thomas Portier - DEPTH (France)
In the health field, it appears more and more necessary to know precisely the health services available in the country. Indeed, by the growing use of the web, making data easily available, citizens want to get reliable information on the health services available as they can access to other information on the web.
Moreover, the public authorities must implement conditions of universal access to health services. The new technologies make possible to quantify and localize precisely health services available and cross them with data from different sources as population, buildings, other social or emergency services.
As part of the project ENERGIC OD, Depth France wants to build a web application that will offer new innovative services on this subject.The application will propose to user a form to select a care service (doctor, pharmacy…) to analyse and to display on a map the areas accessible in less than a given time. These areas are also called isochrons. The user will be able to know the number of inhabitants covered by this area.
The user will also be able to:
Simulate the installation of a new health service
Simulate the removal of an existing health service
In order to achieve this application, we are going to use data and software freely available (OpenSource software and Open Data).
In terms of data we will use OpenStreetMap network data to calculate isochrons. Health services localization will be provided by public authorities ( Inhabitant localization will be provided by INSEE (
For the software part we are going to use OpenTripPlanner and the framework Laravel on the server side and Leaflet and Jquery on the client side. We will also use the ENERGIC OD Virtual Hubs to convert GML provided by WFS services into GeoJSON format.
We will implement some generical features in the virtual hub as the number of inhabitants calculator.