Art. 4 - by Gwenaël GUILLAUME†, Erwan BOCHER†, Gwendall PETIT††, Nicolas FORTIN†, Sylvain PALOMINOS††, Judicaël PICAUT‡, Arnaud CAN‡ and Benoit GAUVREAU‡
†Lab-STICC - CNRS (France)
††École Centrale de Nantes (France)
‡ Ifsttar Nantes (France)

The OnoM@p system falls within the framework of the Environmental Noise Directive (END) 2002/49/CE by proposing a global architecture dedicated to noise monitoring based on volunteers measurements. The system relies on the NoiseCapture Android application developed for allowing each citizen to estimate its own noise exposure with its smartphone. Indeed, this widespread device embeds both a microphone and a GPS sensor able to capture and geolocate the sound environment respectively. The user of the NoiseCapture app is invited to freely upload its geo-referenced noise data to the CNRS data server and thus to contribute to the construction of a crowdsourced noise database. A statistical and spatial analysis of the collected data is performed by a relational spatial database engine thanks to H2GIS. European statistics (e.g. land-use rates, etc.) and OpenStreetMap data are harvested by means of the ENERGIC OD Virtual Hub. The generated advanced noise-related indicators feed back to the CNRS database. All collected and generated databases comply with the OGC and the whole OnoM@p system is based on open source projects. The combination of the database with OpenStreetMap data enables to built-up noise maps deployed using web cartography services (GeoServer plus Leaflet). The OnoM@p system stands in this way for a comprehensive framework that provides both citizens and decision-makers a set of new tools ans services for better grasping the environmental noise annoyances.