Art. 8 - by Blandine Dewynter - AFIGEO (France)
Every year since 1990, French geographers (young and older, amateur and professional…) get together at the International Festival of Geography in Saint-Dié-des-Vosges. This festival is a unique opportunity to introduce the general public (more than 50 000 visitors every year) to geography as a scientific approach combining many areas of science (physics, sociology, economics, ecology…). The whole is achieved very open-mindedly, by following and analyzing the evolution of knowledge, technologies, societies, cultures, etc.
On this occasion, within the Geomatics Salon, the French actors of geomatics (institutions, companies, associations…) propose a showcase on methods, tools and technologies to observe, analyze and represent the space and the territories. Besides the exhibitor space, several animations, including a geovisualisation contest, a scientific posters exhibition, a geocaching tour and a cycle of mini-conferences, will set the tempo of this “Geomatics Salon”.
For the 26th edition of the FIG (October 2-4, 2015), in this open-to-all space, the AFIGEO chose to present the ENERGIC OD project. On Friday October 2nd, the objective will be to convince the public (public authorities, entrepreneurs, academics, researchers, students…) of the interest of this European network for the redistribution of geospatial Information based on open data technologies.
Will it be an occasion to trigger the creation of new applications and services based on open data and focusing on new uses? Or maybe a chance to strengthen networking and collaboration between private and public actors in geomatics, at national and European level? Answers to come on October 2nd…
For more information about International Festival of Geography (FIG):
For more information about the Geomatics Salon:
For more information about AFIGEO: