Art. 9 - by Blandine DEWYNTER and Henri PORNON - AFIGEO (France)
How can convergence between these two worlds be encouraged?
During the recent “Interoperability” session, organized by AFIGEO at “les Rencontres DécryptaGéo” (ENSG, Marne-la-Vallée, 9-10 June 2015), various opportunities for bringing these two worlds together were envisaged:
Technical convergences, with the new SaaS platforms put forward by French companies (Esri France, Isogeo, OpenDataSoft…) which allow the distribution in Open Data of spatial information (everywhere, anytime, for everybody..),
Normative reconciliation, particularly supported by BRGM action to improve collaboration between standardisation organisations like the OGC and W3C,
Strategic alliances, when local (French region-level) SDI such as GéoBourgogne disseminate INSPIRE data through the French portal for Open Data http://data.gouv.fr.
On this occasion, Depth France (Thomas PORTIER) and BRGM (Grégory DELOBELLE) presented the ENERGIC OD objectives.
Towards increased consistency between geographical information and Open Data.
Digital revolution is accelerating and the reconciliation of both these spheres is increasingly stemming as evidence. Public administrations must satisfy growing demands for access, transparency and responsiveness from citizens that can access unlimited source of information at a click of their Smartphone. Companies too are depending on new data to imagine new concepts, develop innovative applications, answer present or future needs.
Yet this articulation will not be possible unless essential prerequisites are addressed: identifying governance challenges, clarifying responsibility issues, defining indicators for data value, creating new business models, harmonizing standards, etc.
The ENERGIC OD project which promotes the creation of a “Virtual Hub” to enable harmonized and interoperable formats, should already facilitate the reuse of spatial data from different data providers (government services, local authorities, agencies entrusted with a public service mission).
More information on « Interoperability » session:
More information on « les Rencontres DécryptaGéo »:
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Towards a convergence between the spatial data sharing plateforms (Spatial Data Infrastructure - SDI) and Open Data portals?
In France, sometimes, shared spatial data infrastructures (SDI) platforms and Open Data portals are developed in the same region, the same town or even the same department, simultaneously…
A common objective, two distinct movements while their main objective (improve data exchange to make reuse easier for economic, political, social… purposes) coincide, the motivations at the roots of both these movements may diverge.
SDI starting point is the public player who must be the warrant of first-rate spatial data, must sometimes safeguard data confidentiality and citizen security, and be in capacity to make informed public decisions (plan the creation of a business area, manage a climatic hazard…). The SDI purpose is also to comply with the INSPIRE Directive requirements, and its institutional constraints and technical standards.
Open Data portals are rather developed with a bottom-up approach : the idea is to free access to data so as to achieve a more transparent relation between citizen and their representatives, promote the development of public-private initiatives, foster economy through the development of innovative applications based on these data…
Yet both these movements share common ground since 60% to 80% of data distributed on Open Data portals are spatial data already at disposal on SDI portals: geographic frames of reference, data on transport, tourism, economics, town planning, etc