Art. 1 - by Stefano Nativi - CNR - IIA (Italy)
ENERGIC OD is now fully engaged in its core business: the deployment and configuration of a set of Virtual Hubs (VH) developed by integrating an existing and successful broker framework with other effective technologies to provide users with a single point of access to geospatial datasets. These data are supplied by new or existing platforms and infrastructures, including INSPIRE-compliant systems, Copernicus services and GEOSS Flagships.
In the last months, a significant step forward was the end of the first Reporting Period (30th of Sep 2015) and the consequential requirement to submit the Periodic Report to the European Commission, followed by the Technical Review that was held in Luxembourg on December 3rd, 2015.
According to the Project Officer, the project made excellent progress and, in agreement with the reviewers’ comments, the project will continue without modifications. Feedback from users and comments and suggestions from the Technical Review were included in the second release of two key deliverables, D5.1 (Virtual hubs - system architecture) and D6.1 (Application based requirements and standards catalogue).
In this Newsletter issue, the in-depth analysis of the 10 applications, under developement within the project, leads to the discovery of three innovative Apps: Eye2Eye (AED SICAD), GEOdemos (SRP) and GeoPan Atl@s (POLIMI).
Besides, in this third number, we focus on the legal challenges around open data, specifically in France, and how ENERGIC OD tackles these challenges and moves beyond barriers.
Finally, a two-days Workshop was held in Potsdam to plan the important deliverables expected by the Workpackage 6 in this second year of the project.
Deliverables and more information are present on our Website: http://www.energic-od.eu/
For now we hope you will enjoy reading this Newsletter. In case you have additional questions or you would like to receive further information, please feel free to contact us!!