Art. 3 - by Paula Iden & Frank Iden - SRP (Germany)
Internationally networked data infrastructures become more important in times of globalization and mobility, not only for enterprises, but also for each person. The ordinary citizen becomes a cosmopolitan, who is looking for new living areas and areas of activity and that far beyond continental borders.
All the more important is the provision of meaningful information so that young and efficient people from other continents for her future consider a life and work in Europe.
There is a lot of information.
But are the citizens also able to use this data to gain the necessary information for planning their lives?
For this we develop the mobile application GEOdemos that accesses heterogeneous data and services based on internationally networked infrastructures and that gives the cosmopolitan a strong tool to use this data and services.
The aim is to make it possible for the user to assess the living and housing quality of different places in Europe with the help of well-chosen aspects. According to formulation of a question GEOdemos presents the data differently in thematic maps or exportable location-based reports.
For creating special information needs we use besides standards-based information services like Web-Services and INSPIRE also the heterogeneous information services of the Open Data Initiative as well as varied additional information about locations of private and public data providers distributed in the net.
The challenge consists above all in making Europe-wide comparable information from open data with heterogeneous country-specific structures and content.
The idea behind GEOdemos is to prefabricate uniform information products from heterogeneous local data, which can be use on mobile devices in whole Europe.
Currently, however, the needed data are not available in the necessary quality and not in a comparable form. Therefore, some of these files are not directly integrated in the application via web services, but must be preprocessed first.
Concretely, we realize this by accessing with GEOdemos on the infrastructure about the Virtual Hubs which developed within the ENERGIC-OD project.
The Virtual Hub is used to search in the metadata to find data.
To expand the database of the Virtual Hub, we use exploration bots to search for services and data on the basis of standards (OGC, HTML, ISO).