Universidad de Zaragoza (UNIZAR),
Universidad de Zaragoza (UNIZAR) is a public university founded in 1542. The Advanced Information Systems Group (IAAA) is a multidisciplinary R+D Group within UNIZAR. The group's research activity is focused on open, distributed and interoperable software technologies, mainly through web services and geospatial information systems, in areas such as Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDIs), with application to the hydrological and environmental field.
The Advanced Information Systems group of the Universidad de Zaragoza has extensive experience in the field of geographic information catalogues, its standardization and its application to environmental domain (more than 100 contracts and projects with public organizations and companies for providing expertise or for technological transfer). Among that, it can be mentioned that the group has been the developer of the Spanish Spatial Data Infrastructure (IDEE) the Zaragoza SDI (IDEZar), the Ebro River Basin Authority SDI (IDE-Ebro) and has been making technological developments in this area and giving expert advice to national institutions, the European Commission and standardization organizations (CEN, OGC, ISO, AENOR). The group has also participated and advised in the creation of the Open Data portal of the Zaragoza Council, where data offered as Linked Data by providing as linked data (5 stars in the Tim Berners-Lee's scale of OD).
Contribution to the project
The involvement of UNIZAR is mainly focused on the following domains:
As researches with deep knowledge in the domains tackled by this project, UNIZAR is in charge of leading the state-of-the-art study of R&D and technologies relevant for ENERGIC OD (WP2)
UNIZAR participates in WP3, closely related to the state-of-the-art study
In WP4, WP5 WP6, WP7, UNIZAR contributes by applying its know-how in the domains of OD, SDIs and their application to specific domains in the tasks of defining the specifications and requirements (WP4); contributing to define the architecture and implementation of the Virtual Hubs and operating the Spanish Virtual Hub (WP5); applying its expertise in data models, standards and OGC Web Services when building services and applications in (WP6); and helping in specifying and developing the proof of concept (WP7)
Animation of the local Users Group in Spain
Deployment and hosting of the Spanish Virtual Hub
Why it is important for your organization to take part in the project
The ENERGIC OD project offers UNIZAR the opportunity to create new research lines regarding geospatial information, open data and their access and use in real, problem-solving applications.
Miguel Ángel Latre Abadía
Advanced Information Systems Group
Calle María de Luna 1 / 50018 / Zaragoza (Spain)
Tlf: +34 976 762331 / Fax: +34 976 761914
Email: latre@unizar.es
Francisco Javier Lopez-Pellicer
Advanced Information Systems Group
Calle María de Luna 1 / 50018 / Zaragoza (Spain)
Tlf: +34 876 555552 / Fax: +34 976 761914
Email: fjlopez@unizar.es