Zaragoza Histórica is the Zaragoza instance of GeoPan Light developed for the city of Zaragoza. The new application provides citizens with a visualisation tool that combines current cartography with a selection of historical maps from Municipal Archive of Zaragoza. Up to this moment, a collection of 20 maps dating from the XVIII, XIX, XX and XXI centuries have been published. Each of these maps is provided with detailed information about them (year, author, dimensions, etc.) and a link to the full metadata record in the Municipal Archive.

This topic is available on the EOD Forum. Please feel free to use this Forum, you can comment, ask questions, etc. Our specialists responsible for the App will join in the discussion.

All the web applications the Council offers through its web portal are addressed to regular citizens. Nonetheless, we can distinguish two kinds of users:
Citizen: a regular user, with basic computer skills and a regular history background.
Professional geomatics & historian community and urban planners: they will be more advanced users, also with basic computer skills but more professional background. The functionality of querying and browsing all available historical maps will be of more interest to this kind of users.
Despite having distinguished two kinds of users, no part of the application will have restricted access.
The application deals with urban development and transformation, smart cities and communities and valuing of preserved documents.
Expected impact for end users and stakeholders:
Professional geomatic community: Urban planners: HistMapsZGZ could be used for assessing Zaragoza urban development and transformation through the years and for future urban development planning. It can be used too as an ancillary tool for the archaeological prospects that precede any urban action.
Volunteered GI communities: HistMapsZGZ could use VGI (namely, OpenStreetMap) for complementing the current cartography provided by the Zaragoza SDI. The application opens the possibility of allow the inclusion of other volunteered historical maps of Zaragoza into the OD platform and into the app. HistMapsZGZ could serve as the basis for the georeferencing of the historic photographs archive of the Zaragoza Council. A large amount of historic photographs, digitalised but ungeoreferenced are currently offered as OD, but the Council itself has difficulty in georeferencing them, and the VGI community could be of help in this case. Also additional photographs could be volunteered.
Citizens: Raise awareness about the changes and development of Zaragoza from 1879 to the present; valorisation of cartographic heritage. Enrichment of the historical maps and historical photographs archive with volunteered information.Georeferencing of historical photographs by volunteers.
Some diffusion references (in Spanish)
Press release by Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza
Heraldo de Aragón (regional newspaper)
Aragón Digital (regional digital newspaper)
El Periódico de Aragón (regional newspaper)
Revista Nosolosig (digital journal on geographic information and technologies)
English interface:
IDEZar description (in Spanish):

The new service is part of the Spatial Data Infrastructure of Zaragoza (IDEZar) whose objective is to offer citizens urban information in a simple and intuitive way by means of maps. The application makes use of IDEZar services, directly or by means of the ENERGIC OD Virtual Hub VH-ES. Zaragoza Histórica will be also included in the application catalogue of the Zaragoza OD platform.
This work is the result of the collaboration between the Office of Participation, Transparency and Open Government of the City Council of Zaragoza and the Municipal Archive with the ENERGIC OD project.