Coastline erosion is a natural phenomenon and a major stake in France and Europe. Various factors have accelerated shoreline erosion: from climate changes responsible for sea level rise and enhanced natural hazards (storms, tides, on the floods…) to economic impacts (urbanisation, tourism,...). Monitoring and protecting the littoral from these threats is requiring specific policies and measures from governments and policy makers. It also involves actors at different level to anticipate and adapt environmental and economic management, prevention and information of the regional and local populations.
In this context, BRGM mobile application brings added value to coastline evolution monitoring for expert users on site while allowing citizens to take part in coastal observation: an innovative mix between open data expectations and crowdsourcing.
BRGM ‘Coastline’ mobile application makes recorded coastline open data accessible to all and allows users to enrich scientific knowledge. The application accesses scientific data via the Virtual Hub (aggregating data) and then displays information through geographical and temporal filters included in the application. Various layers may be combined on the background map and the app’ user can fill in, edit and access his/her own data, feed data and include pictures of the site.
The tool allows authenticated users to provide observations and tracks valuable to scientists and made available to the public. It may be used upstream to provide information and downstream as a mean to share information or feedback.
The app’ user opens an account online to be able to create and share datasets through the crowdsourcing application. Data issued from crowdsourcing will be checked and validated so that, in the end, only approved datasets will be made accessible to all users.
Recent developments: Coastline open data are now aggregated and accessible on the mobile application. The authentication is also operational. The next steps will be to improve and enhance the user interface and browsing between the geographic coastline layers.
Perspectives/challenges: The challenge to face is to implement the crowdsourcing requirements, and to involve user communities to test and adopt this new tool.
This topic is available on the EOD Forum. Please feel free to use this Forum, you can comment, ask questions, etc. Our specialists responsible for the App will join in the discussion.

Authentication is required before providing « crowdsourcing » data
View of the « coast line » generated with two distinct data acquisition (blue and red lines)
Selection of « coastlines » using specific locations

BRGM Coastline monitoring application can be of interest for coastline experts to track and analyse modifications of the shoreline onsite but also to raise awareness, provide feedback on specific onsite observations or events, retrieve and produce data.
In France, several types of users have been identified who may be data providers and/or data users:
Shoreline littoral experts located in the various French coastal areas (e.g. Aquitaine, Languedoc Roussillon), who make daily observations and measures to monitor the coastline and make recommendations for its protection.
All the data producer networks (Forest rangers, local authorities,…) involved in the coast surveillance through their specific activities.
The Littoral Conservatory staff and rangers who are motivated field observers.
A large range of users may be found in various local associations (surfers, walkers, nature and environmental NGO’s, ...) but also political or economic stakeholders who can be involved at some stage and act to relay information and provide feedback using the crowdsourcing feature. (e.g. Local authorities of cities exposed to coastline change…)
The advantage of the concept is to provide a quick mean to alert the authorities when an event occurs, but also to help improving scientific knowledge where acquisition campaigns are not led.
The Coastline monitoring application is available in the Google Play store at the following address:
Environment and risk assessment