GeoPan APP promotes the concept of a more informed planning process using multi-temporal Open Data for a more sustainable use of land and better management of the Built Environment, including risk prevention objectives.
Given that it was developed by a university also for purposes of research and education, the APP was based upon the following main drivers:
to face specific bottleneck in distribution of APPs based on geospatial information;
to experiment innovative Virtual Hub solutions in order to promote a wider distribution of geospatial open data and APPs;
to contribute to a wider use, uptake and benefits of geospatial information among citizen professionals and public bodies.
GeoPan APP has a focus on valorisation of historic cartographic documentation for landscape and built environment mapping, monitoring and management. It emphasises on the value of digital historical cartography as a meeting point of two worlds ─ the humanistic component involving learned and literate historians and the scientists, professionals, architects, planners and engineers of cartography concerned with everyday practice and cartographic technologies. Hence, historical cartography made available as Open Data (OD) and more easily accessible via sophisticated technological solution such as Virtual Hubs (VH), can significantly support awareness rising on historical heritage and cultural landscapes when it comes to territorial and urban planning and their fruition.
The application service provides the entire chain of features starting from the digitalisation, geo-referencing, creation of metadata, potential further processing of historic cartography and finally the publication of such information in machine readable OD formats. APP also proposes possibilities for further integration of such information with other currently available open raster and vector spatial datasets.
This topic is available on the EOD Forum. Please feel free to use this Forum, you can comment, ask questions, etc. Our specialists responsible for the App will join in the discussion.

Figure: GeoPan Light – River Adda: example of available datasets
GeoPan APP proposes two different versions:
GeoPan Pro: that allows the access to multi-temporal geographical data (including historical maps, satellite output, and current cartography) and additional thematic layers (i.e. local seismicity, flooding-prone areas, active landslides, etc.) and enhanced functionalities to be used in professional environments, such as a better knowledge of the state of the art of the occurred transformations across the centuries, to support decision making and risk mitigation and environmental monitoring. The service allows to perform advanced search, temporal and spatial subsetting, and semantic based search exploiting the VH potentials. The application allows also geolocation of photos and itineraries as well as generation and download of new datasets.
GeoPan Light: that allows an easy visualization of historical maps by end users with basic IT skills. This product can be customized for different clients to fit their particular needs and corporate image. Multiple, customize instances and interfaces of GeoPan Light can be delivered including national customization according to the needs of local users.
Citizen, professionals and public bodies.
GeoPan Pro targets at Public Administrations in charge of risk mitigation and environmental monitoring, and professionals (such as geologists, planners, engineers and architects) that can benefit from the information regarding the environmental risks, deriving from the analysis using multi-temporal data, including historical cartography, but also the professional users, which are provided with features for searching, discovering, accessing and browsing historical cartography;
GeoPan Light targets Public Administrations that is in charge of various historical cartography collections, with a need and/or mandate to make their archives widely available and open (e.g. National Archives, Municipalities, Regional bodies, or other PAs). GeoPan Light requires no particular IT skills so it is also appealing to general public, offering visualisation and easy-to-use functionalities.
Landscape and Built Environment mapping, monitoring and sustainable management.
GeoPan Pro:
GeoPan Light
Milano instance:
Zaragoza instance (developed by the University of Zaragoza):