Results of the first project meeting - December 2014
The ENERGIC OD project held its first two workshops (for partners only) in Berlin at the offices of partner AED-SICAD on 4 and 5 December 2014. The initial Workshop for Workpackage 2 (WP2) was held on the afternoon of 4 December and focused on a presentation by WP2 leaders UNIZAR of the methodology to be used in the state-of-the-art study to be carried out in this WP (Deliverable D2.1). UNIZAR also presented the inventory of R&D projects relevant to ENERGIC OD identified so far and applications of the methodology used in the study. Group discussion followed on ways to refine and expand the study methodology and means for other partners to contribute. Further discussion followed on most effective ways to produce deliverables D2.2 (Inventory of R&D Projects ) and a deliverable D2.3 (State of the Art Report).
The workshop continued on 5 December with partner NOW presenting preparatory work on identifying users required in WP8. The rest of the day was spent on the Workshop for WP3, led by partner GEOKOMM E.V. which included brief presentations from the partners who are developing applications in different sectors that will use the Virtual Hub concepts and technology at the heart of the project. Then followed a discussion of the definition ofopen data to be adopted by the project.
The session concluded with a detailed presentation of the survey methodology and list of criteria for assessing open data platforms and initiatives across the EU, to be finalized in project deliverable D3.1.