The Institute of Geodesy and Cartography (IGiK), Polish partner of the project, is an author and owner of a unique modelling research approach to the draught, frost and humidity phenomena spatial distribution detection as well as the yield forecasting based on the modelling. The AVHRR satellite receiving station installed at the IGiK delivers every day the images covering whole country. The results of phenomena modelling based on these data in conjunction with other open satellite data are stored in the historical data data-base compound of 18-year long data series.
The main goal of the application called “Natural hazard assessment for agriculture” developed in the framework of the ENERGIC OD project is delivering to the general public the information on the prediction of the selected crop yields reduction. The farmers as well as organisations involved in the trade of agricultural goods are interested in this kind of forecasting.
The new application will take as a main input the tables and maps generated by the IGiK’s system. The tables and maps are generated every 10 days from the satellite information as a result of the modelling mentioned above.
Information produced by the IGiK modelling system will be published by every 10 days by the web application in form of the WMS service. The forecasting information will be associated by the background spatial data in the form of maps. By default, the last update of thematic data will be portrayed, whereas the previous months and years forecasts and final crops will be additionally available from the database by the application.
Stakeholders will be able to interact with the portrayed map and perform usual operations: zoom-in, zoom-out, full extent, zoom to a location identified through a place names search, play with a legend, etc. The WMS functionality will be comparable with the existing solutions in the Web.
The Natural hazard assessment for agriculture application is available at
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Agriculture, hazards assessments.