ENERGIC OD Newsletter
ENERGIC OD is now fully engaged in its core business: the deployment and configuration of a set of Virtual Hubs (VH) developed by integrating an existing and successful broker framework with other effective technologies to provide users with a single point of access to geospatial datasets.....
Applications in the spotlight
Geo The application GEOdemos of SRP uses heterogeneous data and services based on the internationally networked infrastructures to create useful information and makes them available to citizens...
AED - SICAD app will support communication among citizens and administration in the context of land consolidation ...
Work packages & outcomes
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GeoPan Atl@s will provide real-time input of panoramic images to already existing SDI’s on local, regional, national level...
LUP delivered an update version of the catalogue that collects and summarizes application specific requirements ...
ENERGIC OD has recently released a revised version of the Virtual Hub system architecture based on feedback collected in the first year of activity and from the first technical review...
Towards a more complete and effective legislation for regulating Open Data in France ...
The Open data, according to two reports requested by the EU at the launch of the European Portal of Open data, represent a strategic innovation opportunity that will generate direct and indirect benefits to the European economy ...
Project publications
AED-SICAD presented an article "Zugriff auf (Open) Geodaten für Entwickler und Anwender von Mobile Apps" in the Leitfaden Mobile GIS - Hardware, Software, IT-Sicherheit, Indoor-Position....
ENERGIC OD appears in the section “Research & Innovation” on Platinum, the prestigious quarterly magazine published along with the financial newspaper “Sole24Ore”....
An article by Miguel Ángel Latre et all. was published in the magazine “Revista mapping”...

Internal meetings
The purpose of this two-day meeting was the presentation of the implementation plans of the ten new applications and the discussion about the handling of open issues and risks related to the....
The Commission held the first annual review meeting of the ENERGIC OD Project on Dec. 3rd at the Euroforum building in Luxembourg at the presence of the Project Officer and two independent experts....