ENERGIC OD Newsletter
Applications in the spotlight
Zaragoza Historical Maps: a new application developed by the University of Zaragoza for the valorisation of cartographic her-itage for the professional geomatic and historian community...
Depth France wants to build a web application that will offer new innovative services on reliable information on the health services...
Work packages & outcomes
The application specific requirements were collected and summarized in a catalogue for the greatest possible functionality of the Virtual Hubs as well as to minimize their development efforts...
ENERGIC OD at “les Rencontres DécryptaGéo” (ENSG, Marne-la-Vallée, 9-10 June 2015)...
ENERGIC OD at the International Festival of Geography (FIG) of Saint-Dié-des-Vosges...
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The OnoM@p system proposes a global architecture for allowing citizens to estimate their noise exposure with smartphones...
The study of ENERGIC OD APPs and the objectives they intend to tackle reflect a clear link between DAE Pillar VII (benefits of ICT to the society) and the societal challenges...
Dissemination actions

Internal meetings
The purpose of this workshop was to review the OD platform survey and methodology from D3.1 and D3.2 and to compare and present the result...
The last technical workshop of ENERGIC OD was held by Work package 6 leaders of LUP GmbH in Potsdam, Germany from June the 9th to 10th 2015...